Throgs Neck Bridge Pruning and Tree Replacement
Bronx, New York
Clients: MTA/Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Authority and Michael Baker Engineering
Being Here served as certified arborist for the construction management team for a major tree removal, tree pruning, and tree replacement project at the Throgs Neck Bridge, an MTA/TBTA facility. The project entailed full-time daily presence by Principal Denisha Williams at the site over a three-month period, overseeing the removal of over 300 dead or dying trees (due to Superstorm Sandy salt-water inundation and other mortality causes); pruning of over 200 deciduous and coniferous trees; and replanting of 70 trees at the Service Building and throughout the site. The scope of work also included management of targeted invasive species trees, vines, and herbaceous vegetation along fencelines.